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Regent’s Park awarded supplier status on national framework agreement

RPH News Editor

LONDON, United Kingdom, 6 December, 2014: Regent’s Park Healthcare (Regent’s Park), an independent company specialising in the provision of healthcare services, has been awarded supplier status on a national framework agreement for innovative mobile and strategic clinical solutions operated by the NHS Supply Chain.

According to the NHS supply chain the estimated value/range over the total Framework Agreement term is expected to be between GBP £260million to GBP £780 million.

Mr. Bryn Webber, Services Director at Regent’s Park said: “We are naturally pleased to be awarded a place on this major national framework alongside a small group of other independent companies. The award is the culmination of a procurement process that began twelve months ago when an advert was placed in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The fact that this framework agreement negate’s an NHS organisation’s need to tender through an OJEU process for our services should make the purchasing process far more straightforward.”

An excerpt from the NHS supply chain’s press release published on Monday 6 October 2014 is shown below:

NHS Supply Chain is launching the first national mobile and clinical solutions framework of its kind in December. This will ensure the required NHS clinical solutions can be deployed as and when needed in a location to suit the end user’s needs whilst still providing excellent patient care.

This service will enable NHS organisations to: (i) Cover the gap between old equipment being decommissioned and new equipment being installed (ii) Continue patient services during an emergency situation, where a fixed site becomes inoperable and (iii) Meet key service related targets i.e. mobile theatres to meet the 18 week guidelines or to enable the general practice community to commission locally delivered services.

The clinical areas covered include: imaging, operating theatres, strategic clinical solutions and ultrasound services while the framework allows for staff flexibility with at least one member of staff provided.

NHS Supply Chain is currently in the evaluation stages of the procurement process and is happy to discuss any organisation’s requirements today. This will ensure the customer and patient process is seamless. It also allows NHS organisations to get the mobile services they need at a competitive cost.  NHS Supply Chain will offer standardised terms and conditions to support NHS organisations to get this bespoke service solution on site.

A fast-track paperwork process means that applications will be significantly quicker than current arrangements. All suppliers will be Care Quality Commission registered, hold Monitor licences as a minimum and have been vetted via the Disclosure and Barring Service. They will also have insurance cover to a minimum of five million pounds as well as ISO9001 certification. Optional services such as booking, reporting services and additional staff are also available to complement the service’s standard provision.

The launch of the first mobile and strategic clinical solutions framework contains all of the attention to detail, professionalism and skill associated with NHS Supply Chain’s current contracts. This will give customers complete peace of mind that NHS Supply Chain, along with its suppliers, will ensure that service provision will be maintained to high standards.

Emma Pearson, Buyer, NHS Supply Chain said of this innovative offer: “No other procurement organisation in the UK offers the same variety of clinical solutions for the healthcare sector. NHS Supply Chain will be providing a totally bespoke solution to any NHS organisation that requires a short to medium term expansion in service provision whilst maintaining care standards. Our set up means that we can meet any NHS organisation’s clinical service needs exactly and if required provide additional staffing.

“We believe our great offer will be of interest to imaging departments, theatre staff, finance directors, business managers, Clinical Commissioning Groups and GPs. Our mobile and strategic clinical solutions framework is also ideal for health providers in emergency situations such as unprecedented demand to maintain good service levels with no increased demand on existing staff.” She added: “I would invite any interested NHS organisation to contact NHS Supply Chain to find out more about how this revolutionary new service will help them.”

About NHS Supply Chain

NHS Supply Chain is operated by DHL as Agent of the NHS Business Services Authority. It supports the National Health Service (NHS) and other healthcare organisations in England and Wales by providing end to end supply chain solutions.

The organisation was formed in 2006 from the NHS Logistics Authority and parts of the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (NHS PASA). NHS Supply Chain aims to provide over £1 billion of savings to the NHS by 2016. NHS Supply Chain manages the sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products and food for over 1,000 NHS trusts and healthcare organisations. It provides a single point of access to over 346,000 nationally available, transactable lines ranging from bandages to sutures, from gloves to implants, and even diagnostic equipment such as MRI scanners. Its management of the procurement process negates an NHS organisation’s need to tender through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). Costs can also be reduced through its one-route solution that consolidates all products onto one invoice and delivery.

About Regent’s Park

Regent’s Park Healthcare was established in 1999 and is focused on providing world class healthcare services. The company uses an innovative service approach which reflects a deep-seated belief that improvements in healthcare quality can be achieved by focusing on a few unshakeable fundamentals: specialisation in a disease area, public private partnership, integrated clinical care programs, clinically led management and an emphasis on patient satisfaction. Using this specialist, patient-focused approach since 2002 in the area of cardiovascular disease, the company has developed two of the UK’s leading managed cardiology service companies – ‘Regent’s Park Heart Clinics’: and ‘Regent’s Park Cardiovascular Solutions’: – These companies form an integrated platform of cardiovascular facilities arranged across a nationwide network of cardiac catheterisation laboratories, cardiac personnel and specialist heart clinics that together have delivered over 100,000 invasive cardiology procedures: coronary angiograms, percutaneous coronary interventions, cardiac electrophysiology & ablation, pacing, transcatheter aortic valve implantations and cardiac defibrillator insertions.

In the years ahead, Regent’s Park will leverage its accumulated expertise to develop pathways of healthcare delivery encompassing prevention, diagnostic and treatment services across a range of new clinical specialties. An operating model spanning both community and hospital based care that at its core will focus on the patient experience, cost efficiency and improving clinical outcomes.

Regent’s Park prides itself on its ability to deliver high quality, cost effective care, through excellent service, efficient operations management, well trained staff and uncompromising professionalism. The Regent’s Park guiding philosophy is that every patient should have access to healthcare of a world-class standard.



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