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RPH News Editor

Re-opening and restoration of our services

WILTSHIRE, United Kingdom, 12 Jan 2022: Re-opening and restoration of our services

From our Chief Executive:

I hope this message finds you and your families well in these challenging times.

I am pleased to announce that all services across our facilities are working as normal from 4th January, 2022.

Our primary concern continues to be the health and safety of our staff and their families, patients and the local communities in which we work. All public health measures advised by Government are being followed in support of efforts to contain the spread of the virus, our UK head office, regional offices and network of facilities are complying with local advice in order to safeguard the health of staff, patients and the wider community.

At a more local level, our decision and planning processes have been coordinated with our partner NHS Trust organisations to ensure that we are in strategic alignment with local infection control and risk strategies.

In terms of a brief Regent’s Park coronavirus impact summary: We initially closed our Cambridge, Peninsula and Dorset heart clinics and furloughed many of our clinical staff, retaining admin and finance staff to continue with essential business support functions.  All staff were positively encouraged to volunteer their services back to support the coronavirus response and I am proud to say that many did so in various capacities in their local communities, the NHS or as armed forces reservists. I am also relieved to inform you that across our organisation, whilst we have had many symptomatic staff needing to self-isolate or shield, we have not had any staff admitted to hospital nor lost any staff to the virus. The majority of our workforce have returned to their normal workplaces from 4th January, 2022.

As we return to operations, I am sure you will agree that we will need to re-evaluate how we do things moving forward and find our “new normal”. I ask that you bear with us as we go through the planning cycle of test, critique, adapt and re-testing our pathways and processes. This is not the time for clichés but I am optimistic about the future of our services and believe crisis is the driving force of innovation – I believe there has already been plenty of opportunities to learn, adapt and improve how we do things in our sector.

May I take this opportunity to say to our patients that my management teams and clinical staff look forward to welcoming you and continuing to deliver an outstanding level of service.

Lastly, for our doctors and all our staff who have been working and who continue to work in frontline clinical roles at this testing time, I want to say that mere words can never convey the deep gratitude and respect we have for you all.

Very best wishes,

Dr Anil Ohri Chief Executive



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